Answers about Business Plans

The objectives of organizational development (OD) are: Enhanced Effectiveness: OD aims to improve the overall performance and effectiveness of an organization b Read more Business Plans What are the strengths and weakness of a change management? Asked by Wiki User Change management is a structured approach to transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations from a current […]

Answers about Dance


Top 5 Best UGC Approved University for Distance Education

Distance education allows students to pursue their selected course even if they are not physically present in the classroom of the college or university where the course is offered. Enrolling in a distance education course is a great alternative for students who are short on time, lack the necessary resources, or are restricted by geography. […]

Education for Jews?

Education for Jews is of paramount importance and always has been.  

Answers about Business and Industry

the subject areas of english communication  

Education of Jesus?

They were mainly religious customs and tradition.  

Education trainng for a basketball player?

There is no education required for Basketball players. Other than basketball knowledge, there is no education required. Thus, many players do not have college degrees (in the NBA or WNBA).  

Education for all is possible in India?

yes education for all is possible. i think it is going to be acheived in a decade. the education policies that are going to be implemented by the govt. plays a major role in acheiving this  

Coronavirus Affecting Education Globally

The rapid spread of the Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, in many countries caused widespread school closure around the world to mitigate the development of a full-blown pandemic. This abrupt decision saved lives as it protected people from getting infected and continues to prevent more possible damages of the pandemic. However, global school closure greatly […]

